Analytic Geometry

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Answers for the Practice Sheets (to help you study for the final)

Operations with Complex Numbers Answers.pdf

Radicals and Rational Exponents.pdf

Simplifying Rational Exponents Answers.pdf







Homework policy: Homework is generally not going to be collected or graded. Homework is practice - there will be no penalty for making mistakes in practice. Answers will be provided to help students practice. The reward for doing a good job with study habits [including homework] is good quiz grades. Students should spend no more than 30 minutes on homework/studying - but they should do homework/study nightly.


Quiz policy: Students do not earn a grade for homework. Instead they will take frequent [2-3 per week] quizzes in this class. Quizzes help keep the students accountable for practice and help keep the teacher accountable for keeping up with what kids are learning. Students who do not pass a quiz may retake the quiz by a) getting help on the quiz material that they have not learned and b) bringing in the old quiz when they retake. Retakes are only once per quiz - so students are encouraged to get good help before the retake. If the retake quiz has a higher score, the higher score will replace the lower score.


Test policy: Students who do not earn a passing grade on a unit test are expected to do test corrections. Students may earn back half their missed points [not to exceed a 70] by earning a perfect score on test corrections [see rubric below.] Students are expected and encouraged to get help from anyone on the corrections. They are always due one week from the day the test is returned. The goal we have is for kids to learn the material before the test. If a student shows mastery on a unit test then all quizzes from that unit with a lower score than the unit test will be replaced with the higher test score.


Test corrections rubric.doc


